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What is MINE?

MINE stands for 'Minimum item level, No Echo' which refer to enabling the 'Minimum IL' and 'Silence Echo' Duty Finder Settings, allowing for an extra challenge in older content due to the Echo buff being disabled and the player's gear being restricted to the lowest item level allowed for that content. This setup can help simulate the experience of what the content was like closer to when the content was first released.

Pros and Cons


  • MINE provides a more difficult experience of the content due to the restriction of item levels and disabling the Echo buff, requiring more party coordination and skill.
  • Allows players to relive older content closer to how it was when it first released.
  • MINE is easy to setup as it only requires changing two Duty Finder settings (enable Silence Echo and enable Minimum IL'), making it very accessible to everyone.


  • MINE may not accurately replicate the original experience due to job changes, stat squishes and accessibility to better-than-minimum item level gear at the contents' release.

MINE is too easy! Can I make it more difficult?

Yes! You can utilize this spreadsheet to simulate older fights at level 100 by equipping weaker gear and not equipping any accessories. This allows players to get stats that are lower than the minimum item level while keeping the kits of every job at level 100. Make sure to check the FAQ and Notes on the spreadsheet for any questions you may have.

Pros and Cons


  • By lowering your stats below the minimum item level, you can simulate a much more difficult version of older fights, which may be more engaging for experienced players.
  • Every job keeps their full kit due to being at level 100, which allows players to use everything as intended.


  • Despite the job changes over the years, some may wish that their jobs were still locked to the level that the content was released at.

Can I contribute to the website?

Yes! You can contribute to the website through the GitHub repository, where instructions can be found. If you are not comfortable with editing content via GitHub, you can contribute and suggest feedback via our [Discord Server.](