EX7 - Ramuh
Guide by: Alexander Terphia
Note that this guide is not yet complete.
Lighting Orbs
This fight mainly revolves around the Lighting orbs that will periodically spawn around the arena. These serve the double purpose of allowing the tank to survive lethal hits, as well as powering up Ramuh. The more orbs there are in the arena, the more damage Ramuh will deal to everyone. What the party will need to do to deal with these comes in two parts. But first, initial positioning.
Initial Positioning - MT/OT
These are the markers we used in our attempts. We place A just to the north of Ramuh, and 1 just to the south. A and 1 or A and B, doesn’t matter, your pick. At the beginning of the fight, the starting MT will move to A and take aggro from Ramuh. For the orbs, all players will be able to pick them up, and be granted a stack of Electroconductivity. This debuff doesn’t do anything on its own, but when players collect three stacks, it turns into Surge Protection. Surge Protection will greatly reduce the damage of Shock Strike, Ramuh’s main tank buster, dealt to the current MT. So while the MT aggros Ramuh while standing at A, the OT will quickly grab three orbs to get surge protection, and then provoke Ramuh (or otherwise grab aggro) from the MT. The tanks will be periodically swapping in this manner throughout the fight, gathering three orbs and then swapping, but there is one more thing to keep in mind.
Orb Management
If any player should grab more than three electric orbs, Surge Protection will turn into Static Condensation, which will reduce the amount of healing the player will receive. While it won’t wipe your run, it is highly encouraged to avoid this as much as possible. You might notice that after the initial swap, if the now OT collects three orbs, it is likely the now MT will still have surge protection, so now both tanks will have it and won't be able to collect anymore orbs. What the tanks will need to do is space out their swapping so that when the current MTs surge is close to running out, the current OT will quickly gather three orbs, and then swap. Basically just avoid swapping as fast as possible or you will run into problems. In this period of time between tank swaps, orbs will still be continuously spawning, which we still don’t want. The rest of the party should grab orbs as well, but avoid getting three if you can just in case you need to grab an extra, as well as avoiding Static Condensation. This will require communication between the tanks and the rest of the party, letting them know when they need the orbs, and when it is okay for the rest of the party to start gathering some. Remember, the less orbs in the arena, the less Ramuh’s damage will be boosted.
Ramuh’s Attacks
Now we know how the orbs work, we can focus on the rest of what Ramuh will be throwing at us. The first attack he will throw out will be Thunderstorm, which will create numerous AOE markers around the arena. Some players will also have the same AOE placed on them, and it will follow their movement. For those players, try to position yourselves so that your AOE marker doesn’t hit any other players. The next attack is Chaotic Strike, which will target two random players, but will never target the MT (the player with the most aggro). This reticle is placed on those players, so you know who will be hit. When those players are hit, they will be inflicted with Chaos and will be unable to act for a brief period. After a moment, Chaos will turn into Seduced, and those players will be forced to slowly walk towards Ramuh. Ramuh will soon cast Thunderspark which is an AoE centered on his position, easy to avoid for everyone except those with seduced. They will be hit, and will very likely die as a result. To avoid this from happening, as soon as you see yourself being targeted head towards the 1/B waymark you placed. Thunderstorm will be cast soon after you are targeted, and to free you from Chaos, you want another party member to deliberately hit the afflicted at 1/B with Thunderstorm, as this removes Chaos from those players.